Pitbull Motorcycle Front/Rear Stands

Picked these up over the winter. Not getting nearly as much use out of them as I thought I would, and i’m clearing things out for my move out west. They’ll work on anything old or new for the most part, and the rear stand is usable for both spool, and swingarm.

$100 for just the rear, which is all I have left. PM me.

Day crew bump.

Bump it up for the bikers here. Feel free to PM me an offer.

I’ll leave this thread alone for a bit now. :slight_smile:

Someone bought the front stand, I am keeping the rear. Consider this thread DONE!

BUMP… i’d consider selling the rear stand for $100. PM me.

Bump, any interest at all in the rear stand? PM ME!

Someone needs a killer rear stand. PM me an offer.