Pitman's view on Money/Economy [split]

lol i skidded out there for a sec ahahah :skid

lmao. my person is so bad ass i couldnt even consider sucide. i will die when i do. i wouldnt make myself. naturally i understand i cant live forever but i would like to make this a better place while i am here. and why not make it better for future people.

i post these things to get people to understand and hopefully help fix the issue.

and your list made me laugh

also people used to believe the earth was flat in the center of the system.

how about a currency system that doesnt profit for the onwers of the system.

how about gold/silver or something else we consider valuable to back the currency?

i like the use of money and the fact it can be accepted at many vendors. but i dont like the fact it goes down in value. i dont like it when it can just be printed. i dont like when its not backed by something of value. its too risky imo

i just perfer the simple stuff. i dont want you to move to a farm or jungle and live there. your more than welcome to but i dont want you to. i want some money that goes up in value and american to produce more. the living would be better for me and all of you


/\ pitman, bro I have been in your boat on shift and other online communities. Its an up hill battle getting through to people that dont want to listen or change. Same shit I deal with at work. I am like you, not afraid to speak my mind, and I don’t sugar coat anything. If I see bullshit I say it and say it how it is.

Now I enjoy watching the people that pointed at me, laughed, told me I am stupid, nuts, worry about too much, etc… start singing the same tune I did back then, now.

then I just smile “I told you so”.

Like you said, enjoy your life now. Find people that care enough about themselves and others that feel the same way and be happy together. If you find joy in in the very least attempting to improve things for the next generation, thats even better imo.

the rest of the left lane slow pokes impeding my travels, dont get all pissy at me when I dont lift off the skinny pedal and pass you on the right!

i actuall dont shave or get my hair cut anymore. so more of caveman look.

i think highly of myself but i dont think low of others. i think everyone is on my same level when they are born. you have a choice to be a better man or a worse man. the little decisions take from a better person or add to it and make them better. you have a choice to be better or worse. choose the positive way and you should live better and happier. you dont seem happy vlad

It’s rude to call others by name without introducing yourself…

Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism, which one tickles your fancy?

actually for every dollar you put in the bank last I checked they could lend 10. now what if a bank gets a dollar, turns it into ten, then gives each of those dollars to other banks so they can turn those dollars into 10 more dollars and so on. totally illegitimate, I’m not siding with anyone here, but our currency system and process of getting money into circulation is seriously flawed. A banker told me we put money into circulation by borrowing it from ourselves(fed). I couldn’t grasp how that is logical

if we really wanted to fuck the government all we would have to do is organize nearly everyone in America to withdrawl all their money from the bank for even a day. there isnt enough money in existance for them to pay us, would be the great depression all over again.

Yet another economist chimes in!

Want your mind really blown?

The vast majority of money in the world exists in the digital form.


I’m quite aware of that vlad!

and I actually got a minor in economics although that doesn’t mean shit :lol

It always did fascinate me that a banker can just mistype a 0 on deposit and just like that - you just got more money by a factor of 10 without that money actually existing…

Another interesting concept to think about is money lost on the stock market. All that money didn’t actually go to anybody, it essentially depreciated.

But regardless I don’t see why so many people are against banks. Banks aren’t a bad thing and loans make modern life possible for an average consumer by increasing their buying power. Debt is a good thing as long as it’s not over extended past the persons abilities or financial situation/security.

I think banks are a great idea, however I believe in the free market, and banks don’t exist in the free market any longer. Most money that “exists” is because of the stock market and was never/will never be in circulation.