Here is a little recap of our exciting adventure on Sunday. We were supposed to leave at 6am from 1st-Try. I had a wedding the night before then decided I was going to be an even bigger alcoholic and hit up the Matrix after the wedding. So i arrived to the shop around 6:45 with about 10 missed calls on my phone. At this time, I was still intoxicated.
A shot of the trailer queen, this was taken while they were waiting and cursing me.
I got Jeff a Red Bull and Cinnamon rolls from Sheetz. He was happy!
truck, 240, vette(obi-1) and honduh(jackedup)
bald spot + corvette = 1/4 life crisis! hehe
I want this mural painted on my house
low turnout = tons of runs!
The cracker jack car is about to eat that nice vette!
Supercharged V6… what a waste of money!
oh how I love thee Line Lock!
these fwd guys do huge smokey burnouts everytime!
How do you make a Honda fast?
breaking axles… what fun!
for Jeff that is!
Silly honda’s
Sleepy Evan, he is a big fan of Jelly!
Jeff almost shit him self when this thing past! And this was before White Castle!
7 Brave Men would make the journey, 6 would decimate all! 70 miles out of the way to go to white castle. It was awesome
Starboy made a castle while we waited…
here be yo cheeezburgers
we brought kumar with us!
White Castle 1 - Whitey 0
Overall it was a great day. We made about 14 runs each, only one thing broke and the weather was amazing. The road trip to white castle was a little absurd, but totally worth it!