Pittsburgh Kids need your help. Please vote.

My mother works for these people, they deal with underprivelidged children and such. this season, they need as much as they can get from grants and the government, so they can get the kids presents, who otherwise wouldnt get anything for christmas. the 10 seconds it takes to vote for them could help so much. throw it in an email, on another forum you might read, anything.

Crisis center North, a pittsburgh nonprofit, is up to possibly get a 15,000 grant to help the women and children that we work with everyday. If you could please take a minute to vote for us, it could mean the world to these kids. Pass it around, the more votes we get, the more likely we get the grant.

Thanks everyone in advance.

Voting is so simple - log onto www.allstate.com/YourChoiceCharity and vote.
Once on the site - select community - Pittsburgh, PA
select charity - Crisis Center North
click vote

Thanks, everyone.


But why to send to 1 place ?
allstate should divide it up evenly to those other worthy places.





I voted but I agree that’s really screwed up by Allstate, making people choose one.

done and done.