PITTspeed.com Day at PNC Park

I am going to plan a Meet at PNC Park for pittspeed members, familys and friends. Please help me select the date that would work the best for everyone!



Whata ya htink baout sometime in late may/early june? And where exactly would it be whitey? Lot or or what? :beer:


any day will work for me except july 1

hey whitey how about a fireworks night?

what night is that?

one i know of for sure is april 28 @ 7:05 vs. Philly

has to be more later in the season as well

All of the fireworks night seem to be on Friday Nights. I did not want to plan the event on a friday night since most people work during the day on friday and it would be tough to get to the ball park after work. Thanks for the suggestion though!

sounds cool, i’ll go.

in like sin


in (unless its july 15th, ill be at the beach)

ill check my schedule and vote this week

i was at the home opener monday. some guys from work took me, club level behind home plate. really great seats, great weather, crappy baseball… but that park is so nice that even if the game sucks you can still have a fun time.

I’m all for the beach towel nite

which one of the dates is the Pewter bobblehead day?

im in for that one

ANy of those days works for me.

sounds good for the 17th of june