PITTspeed.com Track Rental?


quaker and prp are the same distance from the north hills

In if i have off the dates

its very tentative, and i don’t even think their is enough interest…

I’d be interested too, either one I guess they are both about the same distance for me too

quaker for sure.

I used to go when hollywood knights rented it. We got so many runs in we had to stop just b/c the cars wern’t cooling down enough! You could run and line back up and be 2nd in line, it was awesome. A street car though, maybe 20 runs easy if you let it cool down b/w runs.

Forget drags, try and get some beaver run action going. Now THAT would be fun.

hehe… i am working on something way better then beaver run!

just come to our drag racing event at qcr


I’ll be there as long as I can get off and have something that will make it there , run fast, and get home… I’m in greene co., but i don’t mind the drive there…

Just make sure it isnt incredibly far from here. I am sure a lot of the guys on here including myself dont want to travel too incredibly far.

is downtown to far?

i am going…

Im in depending on what day it is.

on a side note, is there going to be a dyno day this year?

im done for pittspeed rental, might do the svt rental too!

ill prob be in if im tuned

Not at all, but what track is downtown??