pittspeed design my paint photoshoppers go wild

going add some flames on my car…shut up streetnstrip i like them

keeping the pweter base and would like to a second color with flames going up the front sides and what not

here is a pic of one i like so far…


see what you can come up with

maybe a sco mettalic
someone allready used purple…



would like to but allready been done…all i will hear thats was brains color blah blah

I like the first pic you have…looks clean!!!

i do to it has a forumla front end on a trans am and same color flames that my yukon is sprayed in
i like the formula front end alot better looks cleaner

I like TA front end better…but to each his own…I liked the color combo on it. Kinda like ghost flames in a way…just has a clean not overdone look. I haven’t seen that thing since 2 years ago at the BBQ meet when you first got your ws6 hood.