what do you think?

i started this flame job on a customers car.

here are some more, when i get it done i will post more

im likein the flames… but the red(pink) going up to the hoodscoop seems out of place… maybe better once its all buffed and has the plastic on the scoop.

hell of a job though.

nice-front cover


looks real good…but i dont like how that hood scoop is red without flames on it i would have done something different with that


looks nice to me, but it looks liek ur adding scallops and flames in on the flam job. unless im looking at it wrong, but around the scoop is liek a scallop setup.

haven’t painted flames for long time. i know it is time consuming job.those look great

tru i just now noticed it tapped off down the side

not bad at all…i think it will turn out great. whats the final colors gonna be?

you guys are good, the two colors i chose look opposite in diff light, when you look at the hood and side of the car from the same point, the flames on the side will look like the color they are not on the hood , and vise versa… thats why i did the single scallop thing on the side, it is gonna look crazy trust me

Looks nice!

Nice work! I am curious to see the finished product

looks good the only thing is the flames are not symetrical, sp, most of the ones you see are done using the paper chaulk bag method , i did my father in laws 79 vette against my will, i will see if i can find pics to post, Are you going to edge them with pin strips or just leave tham as is when the tape comes off?

i color sand the base to keep down the ridge but i usually leave them without the pinstripe, unless it is an old school sceme, i dont think the pinstripe is for the new age thing, with this car i wanted to try and give it a evil pissed kinda look… and i never do symetrical flames, i think they are to “production” looking. I just shoot from the hip and start masking with the fine line…

That is going to be one NASTY pony. I cant wait to come around soon and hear that horse.Oh yea if you could get ahold of that rear end for this weekend that would be awesome.My friend wants to come down that owns the Mach-1.

shooting from the hip takes a lot of skill, thats kinda what i did here but i need more practice my lines are a little sketchy, that stang looks real good , like i said 79 vette, that i did for free cause its my father in law and he wanted flames, still needs striped to fix it up but, i dont think its too bad for a first time flame job sorry for crappy cell pic

not bad at all

this is almost done, the flames and stripes look blood red in different light