Pittspeed Downtime


I need to be mentally prepared for downtime.

Pittspeed is like a drug, while the site was down…

I did a little eBay,

I tried some porn (alright ALOT of porn),

I even went cross the tracks and scored some comic books…

I even did a couple lines…(crayon lines, coloring with my 4 yr old)

But now it’s back, things are going to be OK :blue:

how long was it down for you? its been up for me all the time… i just implemented a new style firewall that somewhat learns it self. I hope tihs is not causing people problems!

I have been having troubles accessing the site from time to time as well. :dunno:

same here I have to refresh 2 or three times to bring it up.

ok let me do some work… keep playing in the next 15 minutes… let me know if it gets better!!


same here …

how is it now?

seems ok now. i’ll let you now later for sure.

Seems better for me too!


:nono: That is incorrent ebonics. The phrase you’re looking for is " Holla "

you know what would be better ?
if i could get to my 200tyhdd