Pittspeed Lottery Collection

since the lottery tickets were $100/ea and not alot of us can afford that but would still like to help… i am proposing that we all chip in $5 and buy tickets as a whole, for Pittspeed.

the way i figure this… we buy as many tickets as possible, and the left over money goes towards buying food/beer/supplies for a meet.

if we win the $85,000, we split it as follows
—15% goes to Whitey as a donation for the time, effort, and money that he puts into this board.

the remaining 85% gets split up evenly and distrabuted to all the members who donated to purchase the tickets.

does this sound fair, or if you are interested, please PM me.

if i get a good enough response, i will dedicate a PAYPAL address to send your money for the tickets.

20 here:)

whoever voted no, just pm me with your opinion, this isnt set in stone. im asking for feedback on this also. so everyone would be cool with it

input anyone?

I’m in. I may get a ticket myself, but I’ll def go in with a few guys too.

Originally posted by BlkP42E
whoever voted no, just pm me with your opinion, this isnt set in stone. im asking for feedback on this also. so everyone would be cool with it
No feedback, but i dont trust anyone online with $80k. :eek3:

good point

who don’t you trust? the person paying me for the ticket will get the ticket or tickets then i’m out of the pic. The winner win contact the number listed on the ticket and they will pay out the $$$. I can post the numbers on the tickets so everyone who pitched in will see the numbers. But don’t feel pressured in buying one, because that wasn’t my intention. TY :slight_smile:

Originally posted by Logik
No feedback, but i dont trust anyone online with $80k. :eek3:

id go in for 20


no it’s not a scam…:bash:

The amount someone recieves should be a percentage of the amount they put in…

if someone puts in 5 dollars and someone puts in 50 dollars, the person that put in 50 should get a larger amount than the person who put in 5… it should go per ticket rather than per member

well how are we going to do this?

Originally posted by BlkP42E
well how are we going to do this?

Do it in $5 increments. So if someone puts in $20, that counts as 4 contributions. If someone puts in $50 they get 10 contributions. Then w/ the $85,000 or whatever, subtract the initial 15%, and whatever is left divide by the total contributions and you will get the amount PER contribution.


85,000 X .85 = 72,250

so $72,250 is the amount split between everyone who donated.

Let’s say there is 250 total contributions of $5 each.

72,250 / 250 = 289

So if pewter (as an example) donates $20 that would translate to 4 contributions at $5 each. And each contribution is worth $289, so pewter would get $1,156.

Does that make sense?

that doesn’t add up.

if pewter donated 20 bucks that is 20 % of the total ticket. 1,125 is not 20 percent of 72K

i just saw you used the 250 contributers…

anywas the best way to do it is split it up by percent and you can;t do that until you buy the tickes and figure out who donated what…

I still think my way makes more sense… each $5 = 1 donation. Each donation divided by the entire amount to be distributed.

Hey, it’s up to whomever is running this thingy. :slight_smile:

i bought the winning one myself already!!!:smiley: :tounge: :wink:

Originally posted by Pewterss
i bought the winning one myself already!!!:smiley: :tounge: :wink:

yes he did :slight_smile: