its time again......

for a round of donations to Whitey. you dont have to donate, but im sure it would be greatly appreciated to do so.

Whitey bought us a new host for pittspeed last night. it is costing him over $130/mo out of his own pocket.

so i think a round of donations would be cool to give him a hand with possibly covering some costs.


his paypal address is


forget paypal. ill just pay him the dub in person

thats right i am getting the server built right now. it was teh cheapest i could find for what all i wanted… PS will be on a dedicated box and it will run faster then you can imagine. so now when you ask whitey can you host this I will gladly say yes!!!


next time i see ya whitey i got some money for ya

seen 13 members each give ten a month,next month 13 differant!!!any extra goes to whitey for his time & effort!!!

i like that idea.

I’m now an official subscriber to Pittspeed. :bigthumb:

I think that subscribers should have their names highlighted in a special color to recognize there donation, as well as have a “donators forum” that only donators can see… Thats what we did over at another sight that I’m a member of and it seemed to work very well, but its just an idea.

thats also a cool idea. or like changed the user title to donator or something.

Or you could change our user titles to… Moderator

:rofl: :angel:

:confused: he must have already adapted that for me :finger2:

No offense to anyone, but I’m not donating anything now if in 2 months it’s going to be a pay site… one or the other, not both!

cheap ass!!! :frowning:

yeah, so??? I don’t have $$ to be throwing around right now w/ our bathroom getting done, the main drain of the house leaking all over the basement and a giant dumpster coming in the next week or two so we can get rid of all the shit in our basement, yard, etc. so then we can FIX the drain.

10 bucks aint shit unless 10 ppl owe u 10 bucks each!!! :grouphug:

Quite frankly when Jenn has two jobs and I’m working 38 Hours OT every two weeks to pay for the repair yeah 10 bucks is a lot. I burn almost 35-40 dollars a week in gas to get to my job and then come home and not go out. Oh yeah and I still have people who owe me money for shirts that were ordered in March, and I have my website up for renewal.

I PMed whitey for the stickers and told him to sent me his address so I can send him money since he was going to be paying for postage and envelopes and shit and I;m going to send him a check (from where I have to scrape it right now) and send it to him.

Now that everyone knows MY PERSONAL buisness, how about everyone keep the “obligation”, “chump change”, “you have money”, or whatever other comments you have about peoples personally finaces and what they do or don’t have to a minimum.

i didnt ask for all that!!!u can find change in ur couch to = 10 bucks!!! :itr41:

My couch is only a year old and we havn’t had enough time to have people over to sit on it and loose change…

you spend a good deal of time here and have over 1600 posts and can’t throw a measly $10 for a normal guy trying to help us out by providing a place to bs with eachother. :gayashell: