Let’s decided on a place and time for next Thursday.
Sounds like this could be beneficial for all in the business world. Did anyone decide on a time and place yet?
I can make it for Thursday, around 12ish. Is everyone cool with having it somewhere in the station square/ downtown area?
12ish? i thought it was gonna be after hours?
thats works too
heh, ill have to see if I am free, sister in law is getting married the next day… I might be wrangled into helping setup. If its on the north shore that would be awsome, i could just walk lol
lol at this n00b convention.
show up faggot.
6ish not noon… not familiar with what’s a good place, I’ll be coming from the North Hills so anywhere is good for me…
can someone just name out a choice… North Shore sounds good for everyone… Dom - you wanna just name a place?
I just started working out here, so I am not sure what would be good… I actually wouldnt be able to make it till 7.
Peppi’s! Even though it’s in a rough place.
Jerome Bettis’ Grille 36?
I’m in for the Bettis Grille, never been there…
6 o’clock sound good? I’m sure we’ll still be there at 7 (Dom)
What day? Thursday?
And Peppi’s isn’t in a rough place?? Anytime I’ve been over there I’ve seen nothing but white hipsters and yinzers.
I’ll be at Betti’s at 6pm thurs evening…
Anyone else going?
If I wasn’t out in Sharon, PA this week, I’d be there. Sorry guys.
so me and aeroking???
So did anyone make it down to Grill 36?