who is ready?

for the year celebration of PITTspeed.com?

you know it


we having a celebration meet>?

:cool: even though ihave been around for a whole 4 months which my 4 month celebration was 4 days ago

anything going on for a celebration?

Originally posted by VictorSmalls
anything going on for a celebration?

be online May 9 i think

hmmm BBQ?

mmm bbq

Originally posted by whitey
for the year celebration of PITTspeed.com?

fo shizzle my nizzle!



be on the board on may 9th in the evening hours

I won’t be… Mother’s Day… gotta work all day. :frowning:

Originally posted by whitey
be on the board on may 9th in the evening hours

no problem we gonna overload the site with all 600 members? that would be :cool:

Originally posted by whitey
be on the board on may 9th in the evening hours


define evening? :smiley: