pittspeed stats for 2007

I thought everyone might be interested in the stats for your forum.

Data taken from 1/1 - 12/31
421,721 Visits
4,763,470 Pageviews
00:09:08 Avg. Time on Site
73,036 Absolute Unique Visitors




very impressive!


what are the stats from the year before??


I wish I had an accurate number but all my data is somewhat skewed because of the change in stat programs. Last year was really big becuase of pinks but this year we still had an increase in traffic according to my bandwidth utilization estimates.

The site is not “big” but these are some pretty impressive stats.


those are decent stats. the 9 min time on site should really bring up the value (and advertising potential) of PS.


can we get a count on how many times darkstar thought he was smart?

Im sure its not as high as the number of people that started threads hating on you.