pjb,s e/bay build up

I had a used set of Ford Racing gears put in a long time ago and they howled badly.

Now Ive got Motive gears (if I remember right) and they dont make any noise.

4.10’s were great back when this car had the AOD but now with the T5 theyre a bit much and the car winds out quick.

Nature of the beast paul, how did ya think 4.10s were gonna be? lol

huh, my used FRPP gears whine like a bitch too! go figure LOL. The ones that came out were quiet though.

Stop whining about 4:10s, that car sounds sick, so fucking drive it.

+23x 49

<<<<<getting sick of the bitching about not wanting to drive it

<<<<<< Then gets sick about the bitching again how he wont sell it for anything less then 10k

he missed his truck



they were good with the automatic, just once I swapped in the t5 they were a little much but now with the new motor theyre definately too much.

Your motor doesnt change your gear ratios. Just cruise it and it will be exactly the same.

id imagine that he does pussy foot it. I would pay money to see PJB get ssssideways in the bustang.

PJB, just start off in second if first is that bad.

Rev motor to moon

Dump clutch

Row gears


pot meet kettle! you were the same in the cobrAH!:lol

I can drive fast if i wanted to, and I did if the time/place was right, you should know of all people, you did 130+ with me multiple times.

fixed it for you :rofl :rofl :rofl



bahahahhaha this thread needed a little humor!!!

glad i could provide that lol

yea a handful of times… rare, but you did no dount about it

i actually lol’d

start in second and shift to fourth. Its not an auto… choose any gear you want. In the end you only changed your final drive.