pjb,s e/bay build up

Still no motor. The latest story is that the owner of the company was killed and another builder is out on disability. Supposedly its being built next Tuesday but Ive heard that before.

I just filed my taxes and I really dont think Im going to have enough money for heads and a cam for a while. Im getting a decent amount back, just not enough for what I need.

Im still going to try to have it done at some point this year but its not going to be early in the year like I originally planned.

so you ordered a motor online and they havnt built it yet… sounds like you gots scammmmd


i told him that before all this shit but whatever ya didnt pay for it yet did ya

Its on my credit card. You have to pay for it before its built.

id dispute it cause ya aint gettin it

If I dont have it by the end of next week Im cancelling it.

They might have the payment by then, and then your really fuck if it is a scam, which its sounding like.

Also sounds like ya shoulda kept your AFR165’s ***!

Its a legit business http://www.mandrengines.com/
The payment was on my last credit card bill. I ordered the motor 12/5. The guy I talked to kept apologizing that its taking so long and said theyre really behind because of people being out and the owner’s death.

The AFR’s were too small. If I didnt sell them I wouldnt have had enough $ for a downpayment on the truck anyway. Id rather have the truck than the Mustang anyway.

Cancel that shit, and I’ll set you up with who built Ray’s Supra engine (few hours from Alb).

They said the machine work is all done and it just needs assembly and thats happening on Tuesday.

If I dont get a motor by the end of next week Im cancelling it, buying a stock motor, putting it in and selling the car. I want to be done with this thing one way or another.

Thanks for supporting me.

I just got a call saying that my motor is on the shipping dock waiting to be picked up by Conway at the engine place.


Yeah and about fucking time.


Now I need to find some cheap heads and a few other parts so I can possibly have it out at some point this year. Maybe not in the spring like I planned but maybe at some point during the summer.

should have kept your AFR’s dummy.

I wanted better flowing heads. I had planned on buying some Canfield 195’s or something like that but ended up spending some of the money I had saved from selling the afr’s on my truck.

deals are out there, time to look around.

Yeah, Im looking right now. I cant buy anything until I get my tax return deposited though.