place to get something sewed?

All I need to get is one edge of a 20x30 piece of fabric sewed over into a loop (for a curtain rod) to make a small curtain for the window in my front door. Would one of those craft stores do that? Its really just like one line of sewing.

I am sick of my landlord peeking in my front door window, the current curtain is this see-thru doily shit that was there when I moved in :bloated:

umm how bout a seamstress?

Blacktrashbags and duct tape will keep the fucker out.

Or aluminum foil on one side, and white paper on the other.

haha. Not trying to be ghetto about it. Hoping for something less gay that finding a seamstress though.

a dry cleaner should be able to do it… they do alterations, i bet they could handle this

Do it yourself ? Not that hard.

go to work and find a group of older broads congregating. Ask them where to have it done, invariably one will offer to do it for you… Great success!

Yea as I figured but it would be a good time just to see the look on his face once.

Other option would be hanging a Burger King king mask behind the current curtain staring out at them.

I’ll try the drycleaner, that would be perfect :tspry:

The girlfriend recommends hem tape. No sewing involved. Get it at any fabric or craft store.

awesome, best idea yet :tup:

fucking lol at burger king mask

just go buy a sewing kit and do it yourself son!

Sew it yourself, it’s not hard.

or as butch suggested go into Jo-Anns, or Walmart and get some hem tape, that only takes an iron.

I think I’m going with the tape. I tried sewing something before and I suck at it, and I’m a perfectionist, so I don’t think sewing myself it would have a good outcome.

hem tape is the way to go! my dad showed me how to use this for dress pants to make them shorter. lol its so much easier than sewing too, cuz i too suck at it.

Stapler 4TW

do it yourself, sewing is easy