PlayStation 3: Call of Duty 4

Who’s got it and what are your user names?

Mine is: got_boost_S13

I havent been playing for too long as I only got the game last thursday, but It’s soo awesome.

i could never play first person shooters on console systems. I play a fair bit on PC though. Either way its still a kick ass game. nothing comes close.

damn, u suck, i have it on the 360, its a lot more fun on the 360. :smiley:

i have it on ps3 its such a sick ass game… i havent played online yet i will tho… let u know.

I got that shit and its sick got a headset …my name is SNIPER__-__1SHOT.
Im in a Clan called [R/\S]…RAMBO ASSASSINS SQUAD…I kno is jokez but the game is fu@kin SICK…bottom line everyone should get it… PS3s!!! The best. I feel sorry for eveyone that wasted their cash on Xbox.haha (online is INTENSE…and free,HAHAAHAH)

I forgot to add blueray.1080p…= xbox owned NUFF SAID.


sounds like hes going to have a heart attack typing.

I have it
nocwage is my ps3 id

PS3 > Xbox360:
Look at the building roofs and details…
That’s what happens when you have twice the processing power.

Xbox is the LEFT, PS3 is the RIGHT.

haha i have it as well. It’s such as kick ass game. PS3 ftw! My name is willxtreme. The game is pretty short tho. I’d beat it within 5 hours. I’m planning to go online once it’s hooked up to my 1080p sony bravia lcd tv! hahahahhaha

Yeah I was disappointed to find out how short it was. But it’s mainly made as an online game i think. And I think they are coming out with new maps soon.

we should setup a time and get a SON deathmatch going on. it will be sick.
show of hands?


47" LG 1080p LCD with 750W Yamaha 5.1 surround rox your sox

I’m down for a SON deathmatch or free-for-all. I’m usually free from about 7 on weekdays…weekends…meh, depends. I haven’t been doing much lately.

It will have to be a team deathmatch if we all want to play at the same time cuz the dont let you bring a party in to free-4-alls, BUT we could start a LAN party If one of us want to host. There we can do up a free-4-all (change the maps,game style ect.).

The way I look at it is, if ur not on my TEAM ur DEAD.LOL im down for whatever.