Call of duty 4

Anyone play it online for ps3??





those are you names?


yes that is my screen name.

not lately but, JCuz222


i share it with my roommates so when theyre going 3-10 you know its not me…ha

xbox live > ps3 network you made an unwise purchase now you have to play with sub par performers.

lol rob, and your love for sony

you should talk

i played 360 all summer with my brothers xbox. i’ll keep my PS3 thanks.


good for you, that is if you want to play it on a subpar system.

with ghetto controllers

tough crowd, just saying i’d play with someone on here

fuck man

some people just have a microsoft complex or just enjoy seeing red rings dance, don’t worry about it Dstar.

well ps3 is sub/par. weak systems ftl!

so wait

how is a PS3 such a sub par system when I have played a 360 and PS3 and COD4 is exactly the same on each system?

i don’t get the argument here at all…the game is the same fucking thing.

I’ve played to prestige on both consoles, and I have to say that the 360 version owns slightly because it’s a little easier to aim, that’s it. I miss cod4. :frowning:

Play what you want to play, if you own only one console, you are obviously missing out on anything the other has to offer.

As far as the ps3, I’ve been playing the LittleBigPlanet beta all week, it’s really good, I might still have another beta code for someone to check it out for 2 more days. When resistance 2 drops with 60 player online, sorry but anyone without a 360 will be missing out. Playstation home beta sucks right now so don’t worry about that, I wouldn’t be surprised if they cancelled it.

As far as the 360 goes, it’s live service is better, and with the new update it will be much better.

Same goes for the 360, it has good games coming out, just none right now. Or it the xbox 720 close to release:io: