Please come join my fantasy football league

All the people who joined my league last year are being lazy fuckers.

I’ve got 6 of 12 spots open, the draft is tomorrow.

Its a Yahoo league, heres the info,

League ID#:71603League Name:TAFFPassword:four

im in

Cool, thanks man.

Just for the record, draft is now Mon at 10:30am, since most people are off.

I’ve never played before

Not super hard from what I’ve heard…

And it’d be mega cool if I were into football. For football fans, I’d say this is a wicked fun thing to do.

The basics I was told…

You make your team up from any players from any teams. Then the players you have… if one guy scores a touchdown in a real game… you also score one…

Something like that.

Like I said, if I were into the football thing, I’d be into it for sure.

Howie, if you like football, you’d probably enjoy this.