PnR tomorrow night?

HMMM… might tryn swing up,not to far for me.

maybe in, depends what time i can leave paesans.

its right off exit 8 to the left right? havent been ther since the begining of last year

anyways I’ll be going, hopefully its nice enough to roll without the t-tops on

As of right now I’m planning on leaving at 6 and arriving around 730…


deatbeatz? anyone? Might be the last chance that I get to meet some of you guys for awhile.

As long as you’ll still be around a little later, I’ll see you.

Playing this all by ear, but as long as a few people plan on showing, I’m going to be there about 715-730.

Bring pizza you cheap FUCK

I MIGHT swing by for a little while.
I have an 8-10 page paper due tomorrow at 9:20AM that I haven’t even started yet :facepalm



i could because im out when they close, which is 10pm.

Now your talking!!!

Ill prolly swing up, give it a shot. I have someone rollin uo with me too :ninja

where is this place and what time you guys meeting up?

I should be tehre around 8 or so

ill be there around 830

sounds good ill be there round 8-830

i may swing up after class