Points Reduction Class - where to go?

I asked my neighbors sisters aunts dog washer who once slept with a guy who’s ex worked at the DMV and she said the points come off your license so I don’t care what the official DMV statement says.

Had 5 pts. on my license…took class in November. Requested an abstract from DMV a few weeks ago and it shows violations, but only 1 pt towards suspension/revocation.

which is consistent… the violations are what insurance companies care about. they don’t just call the DMV and say “how many points does john doe have”… they look at the violations which are worth points. Insurance companies have their own points system which has nothing to do with the DMV just to make things more interesting.

unless you can make the violation disappear from your abstract, the points towards revocation don’t really help you from getting an insurance spike. all of the marketing for drivers school lead you to believe you can “cancel out a speeding ticket” which is far from true.

But it does help keeping your license, so back on track!

Any other suggestions for places?

online is my suggestion. I think I’ve heard you can do this in NY now.

Online where?

try here!


I went to the 6 hour course at AAA on sheridan. Easy. :slight_smile:

Is it true that after 18 months from getting a ticket, any points you got from that ticket will be erased from your record?

The didn’t lie… you pleaded not guilty and it was reduced to a parking ticket. The class is a stipulation. If you don’t take the class they bring you back to court and give you the original violation along with your two points. I’ve taken the class close to 20 times in my 6 years of driving. I once took the class 3 weeks in a row. Never had points on my license. Now I know a few people that wear robes so I usually don’t even get the tickets

The violation stays on your driver abstract for 36 months, but after 18 months, the points don’t count towards suspension.