should we start making drinking call-outs… on one good term i out drink you and you give me my sig back deal ???
You sure you want to do that? What happens when I outdrink you?
I’ll do a contest
one vs one, comparable alcohol content.
I’ll do… crown or stoli shots.
one every 5 minutes for the first 30 minutes, one every 10 minutes from then on.
To make sure no one gets fucked up from alcohol posioning, we’ll stop at 25.
If a player wants to consume more, he can, but that is the minimum.
i could out drink you
Maybe you can, maybe you can’t…
Seriously, shut the fugg up. Last time i bought you a shot of crown, you hid on the exact opposite side of the bar from me, you little pussy. So call the fucking waaaaaambulance. me > you
Shot of crown? A cup of crown was more like it. And unlike YOU, I DRANK the whole thing. You drank 1/2 of your tiny cup of soco (which is lower in alcohol than crown) and you proceeded to PUKE. I didn’t puke for shit, bitch! Don’t make me drink you under the table Mr. Speechslurrer