Poll Threads - Merged


Dammit I already voted.

And Drew… Calling in a minute.

:word: do it.

I didn’t even make it a poll, NIKUK did!

Well duh…

I know mike is a :loopie:

can I change my vote to “burn it to the ground”?

OMFG. hahahahahahhaha.

so much better.

did i tell you guys that last night when I got home, my computer was SWAMPED with ims. i accidently left it on. i think i had bout… 15-20 ims from people on here. hahahahah. not with weeny pics, just asking if it was true.


parody thread threshold?

he is towing the line fo sho

But only my fury leg is in those. :frowning:

Well, after you mentioned making a poll, I guess I was into it. But I didn’t make it! So there.

Where is he towing it to?

God damn you’re easy


Maybe I’m not easy. Maybe you just make good suggestions. Ever think about that, bucko?

So if you merge threads with polls, do you wind up with multiples polls in one thread?

who says “bucko” anymore?? I mean, seriously…

o man.

you fucks want to take some of my workload?

god damn rich cunt…