Poll to Ban Smeider,F B A & xlogic for life

my wife >anything u will ever have & if i want i still can ass fuck u!

:puke: :itr41:

:bigthumb: :cuddle:

:hsugh: :tool:

:zzz: get a life ,ur a waste

Get a sense of humor ,ur a walking stick up someones ass…

u shall see

:scared: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

just keep diggin.

i think burnyd is afraid of pewter one min hes swinging from his sack the next he talking shit dont ban anyone their just kids some day they will grow up

Sorry ur the pussy here,not me:greddy:

Originally Posted by Pewter
get a life ,ur a waste

nice avatar notgiongtopinkspartygothockeytickets


Grow sum teef! Bwahahahahahahahaha


20 bux on brian.

weren’t you just bitching at brian 2 threads back? you’re a fair weather pittspeeder.