Poll: who plans to go to their high school reunion ?

i hear alot of people mentioned from back home that were dirtbags in highschool getting married/having their 3rd kid/dwi/dui… etc and so on blah blah blah.

Gotta love a small hometown

HAHAHAHa ur an ass.

can i go to yours too?

seeing that i knew most of the people at ur school also :rofl:

how about this lz… we will go to south’s north’s and east’s HS reunion

thats the whole point…

i’m doing quite well, everyone else in my high school hasn’t changed. So I plan on just rubbing it in

it would be funny to go to somebody elses reunion pretending to be a former classmate. “OMG Johnny, you’ve changed so much!” … i would also suffer from recent memory loss.

Well, mine is supposed to be this year, but let’s see if it actually happens.

I am hoping it is something like “Gross Pointe Blank”.

Don’t forget about all our buddys from AIM

Awesome movie!

pretty sure ill go

for the most part I didnt like the people on my class…i was friends with the grade above and below…maybe ill goto theirs instead

Eh, we’ll see when the time comes… the people I was friends with back in school, I still talk to so I really see no reason to go

Missed it and regretting it.
But I went to my wife’s reunion and had a killer time. :tup:

Definietly going to mine next year…I went to hs in MN so I enjoy running inot old friends. Even though I don’t talk to them on a regular basis it’s still good to catch up with those I grew up with.

I was class speaker and love seeing old friends :tup:

Down wit tha sickness


I wouldn’t be caught dead at mine. I really don’t want to see my highschool group or anyone else again. I kept the close friends from highschool and I’m good with that.

Edit: Drinks tonight?

It’s another reason to drink, why the fuck wouldn’t you go?

Also, it’s also a great time to see girls who you haven’t seen in a long as time, and then bang them

ooh ooh ill be going to mine!

You still hang out and talk to half your highschool stfu…

Yea drinks tonight…

Sure I’d Go.

With a bomb strapped to myself…

Allahu Akbar!


best comment evar!


The only reason I would go, is if I was single and on the hunt for either:

A. Past hookups
B. A new hookup
C. Someone I wanted back in the day
D. Girls that weren’t so hot and are now gorgeous