Poll: who plans to go to their high school reunion ?




ill go to mine if im still around here and theres nothing going on.I would love to rub it in everyones face how i could have been a great A student if i cared or tried and my job pays more then theres after there 4 years of college

You mean you wouldn’t do it by rolling up in a high HP car?

im goind to rent a fighter jet and show up in that … ill go supersonic when i leave too

that will show them …

I’m going to show up in a sedan chair, carried in by the 12 most recent playboy playmates.

bah, rascal > *


:rofl: if mine’s at some place like a fire hall or back at the high school i’ll skip it. If its at a banquet hall with open bar/decen food i’ll probably go.

I will probably go to mine, unless its at a fire hall or some other trashy gathering place, and then I will probably not. Its only two years away. What the hell has happened to 8 years?

my 10 year is in 2015. lolz i wont live that long

id maybe go to mine, im not sure. for the most part, the people that i am friends with now are the people that ive been friends with since like first grade. and when everyone else left for college, we all stuck around here, so i dont really need to go and talk to people i never really talked to in the first place haha.