Portland vs. Albany

Anyone else going to be at the arena tonight?


I was gonna take the girl, but she is too swamped with school work. Any chance of this being on tv? I have caught some portland games this year on channel 9x, i want to say it was 96 but i could be wrong.

I only know it will be a radio broadcast on wgr.

I got 2 100 level seats at the blue line for 40 bux…should be a good time

damn… i wanna go

:beer: we got 200 level at the harbour club with all the people from work for $25

I will only sit on aisle seats at events/concerts so I took the pair closest to the middle in the 100s lol

:wave: :beer: We’re at the reserved tables in the 200 level. Should be good times.

Too bad you are up the VIPs…I havent seen you in forever and would love to buy you a :beer:

i will be there.

200 club bar will most likely be open for about an hour after the game, and is open to anyone in the arena.


WTB: portland tix for tonight?


You better!

i’ll be there…200 club

Good game last night. Some nice fighting good scoring. I did find that the pace of the game was slower than I thought it would be. I knew it wouldn’t be as quick as the NHL but it was noticeable. Overall, a great time. :tup:


I was very surprised to see that many people show up :tup: