POS car for Hangover 100 race

Pretty much just has to run and drive… Can be the biggest POS in the world. Anyone got anything they just dont feel like looking at or plan on scraping? I would like a 6 or 8 cylinder but would settle for a 4. Let me know!! Thanks!

We’ve got a civic Hatch 4 cheap, you’ve got my number.

More info on said race?

96 regal pretty clean runs GREAT!!! $400

FYI it can’t be AWD. They won’t let you run. :wink:

Ya… no 4WD/AWD vehicles please

Question, can you bring say a 80s monte that is a junker,and then throw in a modded v8? Or do they inspect all these cars to ensure stock hotness?

Hey… I will think about it. Really was looking for something a little cheaper or in worse shape than that since its going to be junk by the time I am done. lol.

I think you can. U will be running in the v8 class but its pretty hard to get ur car back after the race since its going to be sittin in a ton of mud. So if this modded engine means anything to you than I wouldnt bring it.


Just look at the pic on top of the web page. That pretty much explains alot of what its like at the hangover.

Yea my uncle and his friends do this every year

rules say “No Racing Parts”

yeah but the v8 division is a pain in the ass, the best car for it is something v8 and fwd, think caddy.

A talon fwd was cleaning house the last time i went in the 4 cyls, but the drivers was a dolt and kept pounding the fence in turn 1. cost him the race.

Ya take that as u would like. We just take a stock POS and like to have fun.

i have a 90 lesabre for $35o obo u will need to fix the brake line

haha that thunderbird that is on fire on the home page is my buddies, that thing was a tank! http://www.ransomvillespeedway.com/hangover.htm

Still have my 93 Civic Hatch, stripped and ready to race. $300, let me know b4 Friday.

BTW This was Karters old hatch.

eh… still want a 6 or 8 cyl

They do 3 separate races 4cyl 6cyl and 8cyl.

Last year there were 10 6yl’s and 6 8cyls, I think it’d be more fun w/ more cars on the track.