Flash light Drags in Zeli 6/9

Whos all going?

me if i can find a hood.

it should be the big thing that covers the engine bay… pm me if you need help.

I’m probably going to roll out in the RHD.


i’m gonna try and attend

whoa. sweet. i think i have 2 of those in my garage.


I might make an appearance, depends if I can find someones car to drive or not

I will probably be there as long as all goes well with my tune this week

Who’s Chad need to race?
…help me out…

chad still thinks the gtp will take the 240!

I think i’ll be up there.

chad doesnt care.

Ill be there

Do they require exhaust through the mufflers and current inspections?

I’ll do my best but I work until 3 now on sats so it may be hard.

They say they require mufflers and they say no trailer cars. I have never seen them check a car though.

I have 1/2 an exhaust no muffler tho. It’s not trailerd at all. What about inspections?

you need a muffler, and the car does have to be inspected and registered. Some people slip, they do check though.

I’m out then, no way to get insp or welded up exhaust by sat.

they werent big on it last year…