possibly last pics for the year of my Z

i will buy you many drinks when we go out and mysteriously stay sober in the spring. <3 :tup:

:tup: guys…

and :tdown: for not calling me :frowning:

woody what turbos are in the car?

yea thanks for the call fergits

go 2 hell <3

Aww, the Z guys are fighting…:gay3:

Haha, just kidding. But not really.

Oh and Woody, DO NOT go back to chrome wheels. No chrome. I’m not big on black wheels, but it’s still better than chrome.

insert various leghumping comment about andy’s car here
and another
and one more in reference to cleanliness
one more in reference to how much i’d like to drive it when woody is drunk

Kidding woods, nice pics, you continue to make me jealous.

lol the meet wasnt planned. we kinda ran into eachother on the street and just started taking pics. sorry guys :slight_smile:

black may not look the best, but i didnt want to go to silver, it looks to plain on an already silver car. white would look rediculous. i kind of want bronze but im not sure yet. unless another color strikes me as awesome, im sticking with flat black rattle can :slight_smile:

thanks for the compliments

oh theyre jwt sport 600s. not sure what theyre comparable to, maybe onyx or kyle could fill me in.

Cheap and effective.

to the best of my knowledge, JWT uses the number associated with the model of the turbo kits he makes for our cars with the rwhp they potentially can make…so, sport 600’s = 600whp, josh’s sport 530 BB’s should be good for 530whp, and so on…

hence me having wet dreams about the sport 700 BB’s…

hell id love 300! :lol:

fsck that. i’d be happy at 150 or so.

woody she looks good!!