Post a pic of something worth the money...

I hear ya, untill you wake up with bumps on and around your dick

Steve, brotha, you are a thousand percent right.

Way cheaper than girlfriends, and way more convenient.

both are MUST HAVES

:lol: If we’re bringing skymall into this then I want the pop up toaster that cooks 2 hot dogs and toasts 2 hot dog buns all at once.

some of us dont have a numb dick and can actually feel things thru a condom

You know how if you have really small hands then gloves don’t fit right and you don’t get any tactile feedback and just wind up kind of mashing at things without any dexterity until you get the results you were going for?

Yeah, properly fitting gloves are worth every penny.

I <3 my DVR. Idiot proof interface, reliable as hell, and it just works.
Another one of those products that if it broke tomorrow I’d buy a new one the same day because surfing the web from anywhere around your house > *.

better then birth control



thats fucked up, we use allot of starret tools where i work and they’re always known for being dead on.

And we also use Mitotoya Digital Micrometer’s, was wondering why we couldnt find em anywhere anymore

AHH WOW Jim would love those

trojan’s are the thickest of the bunch. If you can have a normal sex experience with those there’s no way you last more than like 3 minutes without.

god… I wonder what a condom would do for me… being that I’m premature and all

look at my avatar!!!

cdm bovs?