Post a pic of you doing something stupid

zong you should dress like that at the next race


How about pics of friends pulling dumb shit?

This one is not that stupid but its all I got…For now…haha:)
Me eating KK doughnuts yO!

yeah, that other guy is crazy…

I mean, c’mon, who wears a black toga…


bwahhaha…my toga party was nuts…i have plenty of funny pics of many people…especially Toda…passed out on the floor, then my stairs under a phone book…and so forth…

ummm…here some of me acting weird LOL

jumpin around in the background for no reason in the bahamas with josh n howie and 151 ahha…

late night shaving cream fight with howie

oOH here Chris…i got one of you :stuck_out_tongue:

who wears a black toga? this guy…


yay! that is an older one. I don’t have my goatee in it.

Kungfu Vrooom.
No wait…drunken playing with cheesy makeup and costumes Vrooom.
EDIT:I cant believe I posted this


giving a flower a high five.

ill have to ask choda, im sure hes got some.

it was two summers ago, my friends dave and angie got married.

i always imagined you were fat lol. glad you arent.

can i please post the best line from this trip. by far the hardest i have ever laughed in my life. of course it would be at your expense…

You’re a smoothy… :wink:

hot off the press…
everybody loves 80’s night…
i swear i change my shirt sometimes…


what happened/was said in the bahamas…stayed on that island :rofl:


oh and btw…you still owe me your car for a day :stuck_out_tongue:

post it… you can take her…

and if i had the boy george pic hosted id post it (cough cockvila, post it up)

ok…since sher-…i mean…justin has been naggin me for this pic and im lazy to email it to him…here he is with his glowing stolen rave cup and flopped on a chair with beer all over him :rofl:

and one of you Krazy Jon haha

ive seen that kid before, the one with beer all over him