Post a Recent, Random pic that you just took and blurb it.

Uh, I was walking to work, and this guy tried to give me a flyer to this new - go figure - chicken place.

i have an amazing picture from the other night
but i dont know if i want it on the this forum…

EDIT: fuck it, what do i care:

Splitting the beans after a long jam session

lmao. that chiken gave me a bad coupon

Oh man…I can only imagine

Teeeee heee heee, here’s another funny one.

My train is about to stop at my station, so here I am. Sitting right by the door, in a train full of people (which I tried to get).

The look on my face is kinda meh, because my stomach has been growling (not the hungry growling, the “i need to release some gas” growling).

5 seconds after this pic, I farted. SBD, like a mofo. LOL.

‘My’ cat kitten. He was cleaning himself and fell asleep.

Fuck you work

TASK: Someone write a creative story as to why newman was only wearing underware and carrying drum equipment in a music store

He traded his vintage clothing for some old used instruments.


awesome pics…all of em so far :rofl:

i laughed my ass off at work last night when howie pix texted me that pic…it was smaller and your face looked much more serious …lol dork.

check out the one guy passed out behind you…he probably woke up after you let it rip

i love the dude passed the fuck out in the background of howies 2nd pic

Newman, that at Sit and Spin? I remember jamming there with Pat years ago.

a friend of mine

Thats the “deer in headlights”, “my mom just walked in on me beating off” look… the outfit scares me…

Just had Chinesse buffet and stunk the whole house

not pics “i” took but pics that i have bothered to hold on to for random purpose in the last 48hrs

aka i dont take pics.

I ran this tire to the bitter end… 1/4 mi away from DJnick’s shop to put my new tires on and it blew out on me… Called AAA and had the car towed just down the road a little bit…

goddamn dude

that makes…every set of tires you’ve had blow out b/c of being worn beyond the belts…lol…

pretty close… i like to get my moneys worth… and then some…

just better hope next time you dont kill yourself … cuz if that shit had happened on the thruway on the way here the story wouldnt have been so cute