Post a pic of you doing something stupid

after a little pre-gaming in the hotel, walking toward planet hollywood for some dinner, someone yelled “Dan, grab the mountie’s balls” … I couldn’t refuse.

More recently, me and a friend baked a sweet cake for another friend’s bday. We tried to make it look like a turd in the grass, but considereing we’ve never baked anything before, it didn’t turn out as nice as planned. But the whole thing got eaten, so I guess it was good at least!

I know it’s a little blurry but…Like my Kicks? They’re so pimp, the new thing down here.

Gosh, I feel so BLOATED.


i have that nintendo shirt :tup:

you know how I do

rep it tomorrow nite f00

we’ll go kart in old sk00l styleZ

LOL someone photoshop the :bloated: green goo on Rock Kittie :biglaugh:

Say what?

I love you Katie :rofl:

Only one I got…

LMFAO!!! well done Carlo! :lol: :lol:

all in good fun kittie :stuck_out_tongue:

OH MY GOD!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
That’s my new wallpaper!
That just made me cry I was laughing so hard lol!

Edit: RockKittie is now Bloated4L :slight_smile:

lol im tempted to make that my new avatar for a while :biglaugh:


I see you r really in love with your new snail

very funny matt, is that your snail or the hoonnnduuuhh snail???

joex1,me(very very very very hammerd),intense98rt and 02rsxtypes(if shes on here) in canada
Edite; I just noticed my teeth look yellow as urine, must of been the light :gotme:

strange resemblence


minisrt4 asleep to a bikini contest

^dick :lol::lol: i was drunk and tired, and also getting ready for that nights fun events

Reason 101 to stop smoking :slight_smile: