ya…but i think those will still stay open…a lot off ppl live right near those malls!!! waterworks will stay open b/c of all of the minotries that go there!!!
hahahah ur telling me about water works and if ive ever been there!!! i live 15 mins away from there…and i date one of those rich snobby girls!!! and yes there are made black ppl that go down there!!! have u ever been down there!!! go into walmart…thats what most of it is…blacks…not bein racist buy the bus em in from wilkinsburgh!!!
and my gf works at uncle sams…right next to panera…and blacks are in there the whole time!! go to wendys…same thing…and thats the place for fox cahpel kids to go and hang out and shop at…that place will never go away!!!
ur right…but i think that the chappys will always i mean always go there!!! some of them dont like to travel outside of that area!! i think water works will always be there!! and that the chappys will always shop there!! its always nice to have something close to home ya konw!!!