Post a PIC of your latest purchase.

thems nice!

ooo real ones. getting new stickers im guessing.

yeah, i need to find out where i can get stickers and center caps. plus i need to get lugs and possibly hubcentric rings. im going to see if the ones i have for my old rota grids will work on these.

K20… take lessons

Oh and Mackin Industries will have all of that stuff

PM “K20 power” for the stickerz

Go bring the people working on your car something to drink and get off the internet


For the hub rings, has them for $15:

I only say them as their customer service is excellent. I bought my wheels from them 3 years ago, called them, and said I lost my hub rings, and they sent me a new pair. No charge. And they are metal, aluminum I assume.

be here in 2 weeks

fuckin slushbox

since the bodyshop ran over mine.


thanks. i called them and told them the size i needed 70 mm to 56.1, and the guy said he didn’t believe that to be a real size and for me to call the manufacturer.

i guess he is the absolute best

God speed John

whats that meen

Just ordered this today… should be here soon if all goes well. Mainly got it for the FM radio and the bluetooth for a GPS (when I get it, it will probably be replacing the rear camera) and to listen music through my phone.

The one on the right

Impulse buy:

Nick… can I rent a lens off you for f1 :ohnoes pretty pleeaaassee???

more than you can afford pal