Post Counts...

Some of you might have noticed that your post counts dwindled. It may have gotten a lot smaller for some of you than others…

From now on - posts in all the non-automotive forums and the social section no longer count toward your post count.

We are still deciding on classifieds.

We feel that this will help with some of the useless postwhoring in OT to raise your post count.

Now, this doesn’t give you the right to start posting useless banter in Automotive related threads… any useless posting will immediately be deleted, and repeat offenders banned from post in that forum.

people actually care what their post count is?

since i can’t edit:

people actually care what their post count is? :ham:

i had to bust out the ham!

Lol, thanks for telling us? I use join date to ascertain who is the boss, not post count.

I didn’t know post count was such a big deal.

that’s because you haven’t been posting enough to realize it.

No, I just don’t care. I don’t post to drive up my count.

Jack’s has got to me tiny now… :wink:

thats a pretty good rule :tup: keep up the good work

Just checked actually…still over 2G

haha … like 50% of all my posts still counted for me … sweet

lol. my post’s went from like 3000 to 800.

Worth a shot. :slight_smile: I don’t know if the motivation to draw attention is related to the reward of a higher thread count, but maybe it’s reassurance. Like a gold star. :stuck_out_tongue:

I recommend including site suggestions in post count if you didn’t.

non automotive forums = OT, NWS, Huge Nerd, Lifestyles

My post count went down by 1000 and now im just a speedster jr. again. :frowning:
I dont wanna be a little kid anymore mommy. lol. wtf.


maybe the decided to take away all dumb posts from people in the count

but then my count would be 0!

and i am missing some posts as well (i was over 300)

EDIT : hahah I was right! Who cares what the post count is anyways i was just wondering :slight_smile: (my count will move 5 a month now)

who cares about post counts

yeah maby its a glitch or somthing…it seems everybody is low on the count…we are all back to noob status lol.

We have post counts ?