Post the Most Recent picture of your car (PICS ONLY)

Ya my dad has the R/T Twin Turbo – learned to drive stick on it (hardest clutch EVER). Love those turbos :smiley:

Huh, which pics? I don’t have a brother…lol

Ohh, those were KoukiS14’s pics – I just reposted them as I came across them on an old thread…

avery car is so fresh

thanks varun for tha overs
still have to cut out the old flares out, there pushn the over out an inch or so… then 25mill’s
some 245’s in the rear put on front 20mm overs, paint n moar lowR put on blast pipes

u can see it pushn it out here

^^ thank you buckey. im gettn all teary eyed. cant wait to see this done

lol i want to just put everything on an roll black n gray

specs on the wheels !!

damn avery’s cars are dope

Any pics?

Got the bodykit on

Lower your car!

if only Canada didn’t have shit roads. I’d like to but fuck…speed bumps and pot holes will destroy me.

That’s why you find alternative routes or don’t go anywhere you can’t go. LOL

Seriously tho, back when I was driving my old GBtires S14, i wouldn’t go to the TnT plaza in Mississauga cause those speedbumps are HUGE.

I’d park on the side if I really had to go. That’s the way of life when driving a SLAMMED car.

is it worth the hastle? That’s the question I’m undecided about. heh

Either go big or go home :slight_smile:

Trutrax what rear bumper is that?

It’s all Vertex/V-speed

for sale pics

PM RUSSKI, he’s looking for a kouki.

Suspension and Exhaust is lined up next. KA-T after that!