post whoring: what should my ornament cover say???

see where it says “Nissan twincam 24 valve”

I am going to make something new.
For Style, yeah Style.

the way it will be made will be a backing strip with letters affixed to it (burned on a laser) it can say anything or have any design.

so long as it fits on a 14.875 x 1.5 strip.

i was thinking something like Nissan sky40 GTR or something like that… or just RB26DET, or “all show, no go”

or something like that.

List ideas please.

how about

Kills bugs, DEAD.


now has more flavor crystals


25% more FREE

how about

All You Can Eat 5.99
yea, thats the one i like

" I <3 domestics"

^^^ I like it :tup:

well, nissan never made a sky40… but newman did.
so i would put your name on it :slight_smile:

you can start your own company like tucker.

this would actually be a bit easier:

the letters are cut in, not built up.
this isnt going to be a billet piece, i am going to have a strip 1.5 x 14.875 and either affix letters (style 1) or affix something like a stencil (style 2)

which is better?
i wont be able to weld after paint, so the letters are going to have to be glued on…

sky40 GT-R

“Dogs are gay and I love the kak”

Just kidding man.

That one above looks pretty sweet.

I concur


having stencil kind and raised letter kind burned as we speak. <3 derrickcorp

again u bastard with all ur handy dandy tools at work

make 2

your idea

and one that says “you have balls”


can u make on for my maxima that says Nissan Maxima VQ30de

Newman’s PWN engine dressing

iNISSANt (Saw this on a Nissan truck years ago)

INISSANT (Variation)

“I swear it’s NA”


“Powered by Kia!”

Or some other equally shitty car company. :tup:

^Add rice here
