Post Your Baby Pics

I’m sure a lot of you looked pretty funny

heres my mullet:

great time for me to call mom i have the perfect pic to scan.

Are you really this bored?

im waiting for the dead baby jokes and the photoshop threads :slight_smile:

whats the diffence between a garage filled with a corvette and a garage filled with dead babies?

i dont have a corvette in my garage…

That Sucked!!

ok, whats the difference between a pile of bowling balls and a pile of dead babies?

can’t move bowling balls with a pitch-fork


post pictures - not jokes - or i will have someone ban you.

yea, pulling my sock up and putting my foot down.

Somehow I highly doubt that, this thread sucks.

sucks alot :tdown:

what about f-ing yourself? ur right i dont know any mods who wouldnt moderate a thread like it should be… it wouldnt suck if people read the thread title and simply followed that.
i count 5 people that posted useless posts in this and i said nothing.

I didn’t attack you personally, so don’t start with this, “fuck off, asshole, you’re a fucking fucker fuck.” :roll2:


5 out of 5 Mr. Beckingtons agree, Rx3 will :lockd: this thread by tomorrow.

Tomarrow? Besides isn’t that a few years in internet time?

stop being gay

whats grosser than a pile of 10000 dead babys???

ones still alive… and its eating its way out.

Q: What’s the difference between a dead baby and an onion.
A: You don’t cry when you chop up a dead baby.

Q: What do you get when you cut a baby with a straight razor?
A: An erection.
