Post your career interests

Very useful tool. You have to make an account before you can take the assessment, but it takes no more than 20 seconds to do so.

Interesting. Although I can 100% see Kramer scoring much higher in the social dept. than Ilya, and can see Ilya being more artistic than the mainstream giraffe.

See where I am headed? Such a simple little assessment can tell a lot about what somebody’s personality is like, of course assuming they answer the questions truthfully.

ide do this but im too busy/lazy

but i bet mine would be enterprise and artistic as top two

I disliked a LOT of the stuff they gave me.

Really…anything that had the word ‘management’ in it, I clicked like too lol. My career goal is CIO some day.

Its alright, I hear “Leo” is gay anyways.

ive taken these test before and if i remember correctly im realistic, social, and conventional

I would worry more about getting a career than taking test to tell you what you should do. Find something you are good at…and make something out of it…:thumbup

and you are…? Thats a pretty ballsy statement coming from someone i personally do not know or associate with.

its more of a test to point you in the right direction

Yep. Also, there are lists of full and part-time positions you can apply for in those fields after you take the survey.

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl did you hit yes for anything?? :rofl

the survey was fucking gaaaaay. there was hardly anything there that interested me. and yea most of them were no’s :lol