Show us what you’ve got!
Windows XP
Running Brico Packs for skin and Mac-like interface
Edit Help me get more wallpapers?-- Recently lost everything due to HD-failure…
Show us what you’ve got!
Windows XP
Running Brico Packs for skin and Mac-like interface
Edit Help me get more wallpapers?-- Recently lost everything due to HD-failure…
bbahh!! u mac wannabeess!!! lol
I hate mac, LOL
btw, that’s windows vista… with pretty much everything on default settings
iits mmeeee ^^ lol
im just saying windows is tryin to look the same as mac
heres mine

^cool firefox theme, what’s it called?
Rick, you gotta lower ur car to make ur rims look like the wallpaper!
Edit: I meant rick’s firefox theme…Refused posted before i posted… that bastard…
Here’s mine now…
The only one rocking the original windows xp theme!! and original firefox theme!!! bwahahaha
Rick’s Firefox theme most probably came along with the theme for XP…
I used to use windowblinds… but I haven’t been able to find a free version… they installed something in the registry, and now I can’t do a new ‘session’ of free windowblinds… that and I can’t get the hacked verison to work for my life…
PS: I still have that cd of our detail, and your peelout…
Oh interesting, is it possible to dl the firefox theme separately? I’m not a fan of modified XP theme due to bad experiences on my desktop (too much registry hack and errors).
Gabe: OOHHH SHITTT completely forgot about it, pick it up next meet or something…
My Desktop at work.
That’s a LOT of things during startup Noodles!
Or are you one of those people that never turn off their computer? Can you email me that wallpaper?-- wicked background!
Heres mine…
guilty as charged. I never turn of my computers…either the one at work or at home. And i’m a developer, so most of those windows are pretty much needed when i work haha.
where do you want me to email the wall to?
haha, i have two monitors at home. 17" lcd and 17" crt side by side…it’s so beautiful. I’m looking to upgrade my 17" crt to a 20"LCD when i find a hot deal. then i’d be in heaven
I’m in desperate need of desktop space at work, can’t wait til my lease is up so i can grab a laptop from work plus and LCD for some dual screen action!