As the title says, how ever long you have owned your car im sure you have taken alot of pictures heres the thread to post your favorite 4 out of all of them,it was hard for me to find just 4 i like but i choose these 4 for me:
This one i took just before i put the car away winter of 05 always likes it for some reason:
next 2 at CSCS october event 2007:
love those cornors holding the drift right into the dirt is the only way to go out there haha
and last first cornor at TMP…dunno why i pick this one i just like it:
anyway those are my top 4 this was originally supposed to be top 3 but i like the last picture to much to not include it
Night pics FTW!! haha not so much, pretty old picture…
More recent pictures…
Choosing 4 pictures was actually really hard. And I really don’t have that many pictures to choose from. Haha, time for more picture taking come spring time.
Thanks guys…LOL i was trying 2 take that shot without the people, but they
just kept looking at that building and they were walking very slowly …so i just
took a shot and left :o