oh right - good idea.
Also want to point out - any fire type weapons are a bad idea… Then you just have zombies on fire going after you.
oh right - good idea.
Also want to point out - any fire type weapons are a bad idea… Then you just have zombies on fire going after you.
Close range weaponry with high tendencies to splatter? I’m staying the fuck away from you. Don’t worry, I’ll do you a solid when I plant a .22 into your Cerebral Cortex.
Also - You might not think of it, a .22 is a great weapon for z-day for distance shots and not so much ambush style. Think of 5-6 zeds at a distance of 50 yards or so - a 22 is perfect. It’s light, cheap, ammo is very common to find + very light. You can carry 200-300 22 shells for the same weight of about 80 223’s.
I like the Grand Island idea except for a few things.
The island might already be infested or on the verge of infestation. If GI has not been infested, heres what I’d do.
Blow out the Niagara Falls bridge (If there is an outbreak, surely NF will produce some killer ass zombies.) Now you only have to worry about one attack point instead of 2.
Clear out all cars on Tonawanda bridge so that you have clean shots at attacking zombies.
Create a bottle neck point on the bridge so that all attacking zombies will be easy targets. Blow the bottleneck and any zombies close by incase they overrun it. Use plenty or landmines, barbedwire, claymores, etc
Well behind of the bottleneck build a stone wall as high as possible. Station as many dudes with assault rifles on top. Use plenty or landmines, barbedwire, claymores, etc before and after the bottleneck. Anything to give the shooters more time. If the zombies make it past the wall, make sure that there are guys on GI that can blow the bridge, sealing off GI completely.
Remain on GI as long as possible but have as many boats fitted with food, ammo, gas, etc. incase zombies somehow make it on GI after both bridges are out. Boats are easy to find on GI.
If GI is on the verge of infestation. Drive all boats along fast moving parts of the river till you find another suitable island to set up another stronghold.
GI would almost certainly be infested, which is why I want to start on Navy Island, take out the bridges, then clean the island.
Lure most of them to the shores and pick them off with rifles from the saftey of boats in the river. You’d still have to do a through search of the island eventually.
Way too risky. Only one zombie left on the island could lead to disaster.
Hells yeah lol.
have shotguns, high powered riffles, axes, machetes, hunting knives galore, and a LOT of ammo. Ooo can’t forget the nunchucks!
Basically…anything coming within a few hundred yards is toast.
Eventually someone has to start clearing out the zombies because you can’t live huddled on little un-inhabited islands forever.
You can wait it out on land somewhere. a Boat will only support life for so long.
Good luck getting a head shot on a moving target from a moving boat.
Plus the zeds wouldn’t stop at the shore they’d walk right into the water, so your time for shots would be very limited.
Best best would be to fire bomb a section of the island and start a base on the charred area cleared out. At least secure that as a landing zone.
I would want to go up in the mountains somewhere REMOTE! Take what I needed for survival equipment, A shotgun/handgun for close range, high powered riffle for long range. A good reliable 4x4 and a horse trailer. Laugh all you want, but they are plenty fast enough to outrun a zombie, they won’t break down and leave you stranded, and they can go through much rougher terrain. Plus you can go almost anywhere on a horse, where as if you were in/on a vehicle that required a road, you’re fucked if you come across an area that you can’t drive over/through. All you need is food and water. I’d choose a remote area because I don’t think a zombie is going to have easy access to a mountain stronghold, less population density so there wouldn’t be nearly as many zombies as there would be in a highly populated area, you can hunt for your food, plenty of fresh water from local streams to purify. Also, I’d bring a chain saw and building materials (rope, hammer, nails, railroad spikes etc). You would have plenty of trees to build a stronghold, and can erect walls/ traps to ensure a safe retreat if it were needed. As long as you have basic survival skills, you’re set. I would personally build a fortress, dig a trench around said fortress with sharpened spikes at the bottom, seeing as zombies aren’t too bright, they would fall and impale themselves, and even if they didn’t, they’d have no way out. And you wouldn’t have to worry so much about a horde because in a remote area, not many people will be around to become zombies.
I would NOT want to be stranded atop a mountain. That’s just as bad as cornering yourself
It would be a great survival area though. I didn’t say I would be there alone. But it would offer everything needed for long term survival. Everything you needed to build a shelter/stronghold/fort (whatever you want to call it). Very few if any zombie encounters. Remember, in a survival situation, dont be a hero. You are there to SURVIVE, not live in luxury.
How many people honestly think that staying in a city would work better? yes you have more supplies, but you also have to worry about constant zombie encounters. There would be no electricity, most likely no running water/natural gas for long without people at the stations that run them. Its great to have a stronghold made of reinforced concrete and all, but how much time do you really have if the area is swarming with the undead? I don’t think they will give you a chance to construct much of anything. Small towns/ less populated areas FTW durring a zombie attack!
You could just find one of the COOP bunkers the US has all over the country…
I back the mountain idea.
Mountain idea sorta like Red Dawn :tup:
kinda sorta, yeah. Also, it would be easier to construct some sort of warning system. All you need is fishing line and some kind of bell or something that would make noise. Not to mention all the traps you can build that would be much easier than having to use a tapcon kit to drill into concrete. Simplicity is most efficient.
Man, just watched the opening scene to RD, I gotta watch that movie soon.