Poster Frames

I need a poster frame 40"h x 27"w but no one around here has one locally that I’ve seen. Anyone have any insights? The online joints that do have them are around $30 before shipping and that is something I don’t want to do. Thanks in advance.

$30 isn’t bad for a custom made frame. Shit’s effing expensive.

Moving back into the dorms or something?

Have you tried a Hyatt’s Art Store? I believe they do framing work…but it has been several years since I was last in one.


Moving back into the dorms or something?


Heh, no, I have a bunch of movie posters that I want to frame and hang. I have 3 of them done already but a Matrix Revolutions poster and a Boondock Saints poster are larger than the standard 36x24 so…here I am. Dorm stylez is using funtack on the poster itself, silly boy!



Gracias, I will have to check Michaels out.

AC MOORE has a ton of frames but custom framing will get reallly expensive, ur better off buuying one thats a little bigger and centering it, not sure if they have frames at 40x27



does Micheals make suctom frames now?

I imagine that they will have something poster-sized, tho.


does Micheals make suctom frames now?


What the hell is that?


I imagine that they will have something poster-sized, tho.


I’m sure they will have poster sized. but not nec over-sized.

Still worth a shot.

It was an honest question.


What the hell is that?


its an A-frame design that you could hang a thai hooker on. duh