Jim did a pretty good job of cleaning house with the RS5 pictures … ill post one … if it tickles your fancy you can check out the full set on Facebook or like the page to keep up with everything i have been shooting at http://www.facebook.com/pages/CFD-PRODUCTIONS/352793946628

rs5 pic5 copy by CFD Productions, on Flickr
The lighting isnt right…to me anyway it looks like the car was photoshopped into the picture but i know that it wasnt idk something looks off.
agreed! love this car
lighting isnt right because i processed this one like the pros do lol
my thoughts exactly
This is one of my favorites Dan, thanks.
I didn’t know you could get an RS5 in the USA, that is awesome. Always love your work Dan!
Oh and I love white cars, so that car is 10/10 just for being white.