Postponed Chill N Grill

you got it, lets just hope this months will be as big as last months

Weather is not playing along from what the forecast says.

I’ll keep my eye on it, but it’s not going to be rain or shine.

Rain date pending is Sunday the 19’th. (1st Autocross is 11’th). :ponder

wtf to hell with autox i want weiners!

there is a carshow up at the saratoga car meusem that day. the 19th so if thats the case i will not attend



stickers of weiners??

do want

i like 4 and 7 as well… hopefully the weather is going to cooperate for us. :confused

i’m a questionable for attending, i may swing through but Sunday is a busy day for me.

i hope it get canceled… i just picked up a shift on sundays 11am-10pm :headbang

that sucks

i don’t even care if it rains, i’m going damnit. ;D

i have to be down there that night anyway…so i hope it still goes on…

Postponed due to weather.


whens the rain date?

this weather eats my ass. :shifty

Rain date looking to be Sunday the 18th… of course once again weather pending.

fuck, that’s my graduation day :angry2