Post's that were edited in the regular forum

John and I are getting our civil union next month. I just bought a Prius. We’re going to have Asian adopted children.

:rofl:rofl Dude I was LOLing so hard, it was after the whole Picture of brett in the hairnet thing. He was pissed, he wouldent even look at me and I was like “Oh hey brett” being a smartass and he just went off at me in my face out of no where.

Don’t think he expected me to sit there an antagonize him. Brett probably could have fucked me up, not sure… but I knew he wasnt going to hit me :lol

antagonize him?


Is that what “DUUUDE I WAS JUST KIDDING RELAX DUUDE IT WAS JUST A JOKE IM SORRY” is? I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

I probably would have done the same, but I like to avoid violence.

Kid that picked on me once on here didn’t say he was sorry !

Pretty sure that camel jockey couldn’t say a word when you were done with him though

I heard him snore I think lol, hey I have him the option to say sorry and kiss my foot


You aparently were not listening Benjamin, He was in my face saying he was going to hit me, I told him to do it several times if he thinks hes so tough and that I wasnt scare of him, told him he was acting like a roided up dog or something to that effect and that its just a stupid picture etc etc…

No sorrys were said until he calmed the fuck down and I told him id stop and to shake my hand… to which he was acting like a child and was like “im not shaking your hand”

Me and him have been fine ever since then… I dont give a shit hes a good dude when hes not getting butthurt over something stupid. Don’t think he expected me to talk back to him either… I dont give a fuck if Eman or meatpaws up here wants to deck me in the face… not going to tuck my tail between my legs and walk away :lol

I do not recall that aspect, no.

I’m bettin u would cower down if ya saw me now. ! I’m bigger than before and not fatter lol

You’re looking like a beast these days Jon, good for you… been slowly trying to get my ass in gear too and chizzle up a bit…

I could never be scare of you Jon… you’re as gentle as one of PJB’s goats

Pjb’s goats tried to attack me one night i was dropping off my trash in the bed of his truck