mod post delets

So what’s with the deletion of posts without should there not be some accountability as to who is doing what and why? I’ve had quite a few posts go missing without any representation of the editor.

the editors were probly all of the admins at one point or another…

99% of the time the posts you make are antagonistic and annoying.

therefor they get deleted.

IE: the comment you made in quincy’s “goodies” thread about the megan mani… WE ALREADY KNOW HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT MEGAN. and really… i dont want to have to edit another bitch fest brought on by you.


speaking of annoying… why are you still here? why are you not trying to be a mod on some Audi site? it’s obvious you prefer them.

and how I feel about a product or another has just as much right to be up there are anyone elses… I don’t see too many mods editing bings snipes at me… or the snipes by others aimed at me… yet those posts are left up and mine are deleted… in the same thread. But then again it’s amzing that a mod is also has a store front on here and can edit to his hearts content.

Gregs point exactly

actually i edit many peoples posts… your selective sight seems to be impeding you…

as well… what does my having a store have to do with anything at all? its has nothing do do with it… thats what.

you constantly post useless things and generally annoy other people on the board.

the main question to be asked is that if you are so annoyed and so bothered by so many things on this board… then why are YOU here still?

i was hoping you would have left under your own free will the last time i banned you… but appearently you are drawn back towards the board… i think it is most likly because you just enjoy conflict.


ill wait untill you post again and then this will be locked… otherwise its rather obvious where this thread will be going.

please direct all other comments/questions to my pm box.


Post edited again.

ON. :?

I make it known when I delete/edit posts or lock threads.

I’ve been stressing other mods to do the same.

And I am getting more and more irritated everytime I don’t see this

Well im new to the club and i was wondering why is it that almost all the threads that i have started have been lock?? The last one i made about emissions didnt evena have an explanation. (some did).
And ive noticed that some members seem to get away with things that others dont. e.g
I saw a post where a guy was trying to sell a car for a friend and that thread was locked and he was told to get his friend to join!

Then i saw a similar thread by a more experienced user and it was allowed!!!

I’ll explain each to you if you would like.
Locked because this question has been asked enough times, there is alot of info in FAQ or in other sections if you would use the search button.
As a club we try not to support anything blatently illegal. Fake E-tests are illegal. Your thread was locked but not deleted, so if any shady character were to be able to give you your fake e-test, they can still read the thread and pm you, although again… we don’t support that.
Read your last few posts, you were acting like an idiot.

You want to know why? You really want to know why?

Because people are too friggin immature on this board. And it’s because
99% of them are under 19. Go figure.

Look at the way people make posts, look how they compose their posts;
their choice of language, punctutation, grammar, etc.

Sorry but I can’t stand posts where half the words are “LOL” and shit like that.

Show some formality in your posts and you won’t be picked on.

G you know that wont happen.

hell the latest thing to do when you post on so is to use more symbols than letters

+=_$*#&@^@ i dont know how these randomly show up to replace single letters in a word but it doesnt make any sence.

i remember i used to post on a board where you were not allowed to post the reply untill all punctuation and grammar had be corrected.

that was great


the police is always corrupted, it needs to be in order to ‘look’ powerful, on forums, and in real life, if it aint like that people wont respect it, its too bad, i just dont bother posting opinions, megan comparing to jdm brands is sh1t

Eh, my posts are always polite, have proper grammar, sentance structure, and spelling, say “thank you” at the end, etc, and everyone still hates on them.

Maybe it isnt the grammer/sentancestructure/spelling/politeness, maybe its the actual subject?
Looking at your history you only had a few topics where people ‘hated on them’. ‘What should I buy’ and another ‘What should I buy’ are the most recent.
Anyway, this isnt a ‘why dont people like me & my posts’ thread section, suck it up and make better threads if you want people to quit ‘hating’ on you.

First of all they weren’t a what I should get post, it’s completely difference. I understand reason to be pissed whens omeone is like “omgz0r what suspension do i buy” without doing any reasearch or bother to search. My posts where a ‘what is your opinion on this’ and ‘what do you think looks better’.

Tell me this… WHY does everyone bitch at me when I ask if putting a turbo timer is rice, which is just a normal thread with a discussion, get flamed and locked while no one minds bings thread asking teh EXACT same sheit but about bodywork? Here’ sthe thread:

As for my other thread, it was a simple quick poll to see what people think, tons of poeple have asked what wheels look better, no one gives them a second look, then I ask what blinkers look better and I get flamed and again the thread gets locked…

Also, in Sasha’s post (5.46 am) which is completely off topic stays open with several mods posting in it, while mine (which I thought was in the right section… it IS car talk and it’s not very technical IMO, I think the tech section is for more hardcore problems like engine/electrical issues) gets locked: I dont’ see what the issue is here, tons of poeple use “char chat” for body work related shit and whatnot, which can also be considered technical, but they never get locked…

just , in before the lock.

and stop whining about your polls being locked. wheels are somethign completely different then bumper markers or a ricey turbo timer in an na car.

how about you ask if you should put an intercooler on an NA car too?

sasha’s the son poster child, there’s no point in fighting it. just try to come to terms.

and as for the opinion polls, anything aesthetic and non-technical like which turn signals look better is your call. you could always ask your friends or family what they think would be better, but in the end, you (hopefully) have some taste as well and you choose what YOU like.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for opinions. If you keep doing it people stop taking you seriously, because it looks like you’re just building the car you think everyone else likes. You can’t compare your posts to Sashas… he’s an established member and is starting a discussion based on a driving school… where the replies take it is not up to him… it’s chat! He’s just chatting with friends. It’s completely different.

Sasha’s thread has been moved. I was expecting a few replies dealing with his track school, but that didn’t happen. So it’s been moved to Members Chat.

And i have moved his 2:45, 3:25, 1:43 etc threads to Members Chat before.

There’s nothing wrong with asking for opinions. If you keep doing it people stop taking you seriously, because it looks like you’re just building the car you think everyone else likes. You can’t compare your posts to Sashas… he’s an established member and is starting a discussion based on a driving school… where the replies take it is not up to him… it’s chat! He’s just chatting with friends. It’s completely different.[/quote]

I get what you’re saying, but I’ve only done it twice and poeple have hated since #1. And I’m not building the car “everyone else” wants cause as you can see I did something different than what like 80% of the people said.

I honestly don’t see the need for the lack of respect that even the mods show on here… (basically just GT)

Oh, and I still dont’ see what’s wrong with my thread about the trunk rattling. That’s NOT a technical issue.

big-byrd: I agree.